Arizona Civil Rights Leader Rev. Maupin Responds To Ferguson Grand Jury Decision |
Written by DD
Monday, 24 November 2014 18:58 |
Civil Rights Activist Rev. Jarrett Maupin Responds To Ferguson Grand Jury Decision "The Ferguson grand jury's decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson in relationship to his role in the unjust slaying of 18 year old Michael Brown is extremely disappointing. This jury has behaved in an unusual way from the start of their proceedings. The role of a grand jury is to decide whether or not there is sufficient evidence, on its face, to indict/charge someone with a crime. The extraordinary length of the jury's deliberation time and the prosecution's failure to present it's best case for charging Officer Wilson as Michael Brown's killer is suspicious at best. Subsequently, many in the Black community are justifiably angry. As protests unfold, I am encouraging people everywhere not to engage in acts of violence. If we must strike back against this injustice - let us strike back with our unbridled tongues, our marching feet, and the casting of our ballots. As we continue to seek justice for those we've lost to police brutality, we pray that God will help us to write words of hope and healing across the sable breast of racism with fingers of fire. Our work, our cause, our struggle continues. We will not stop. Michael Brown's martyrdom continues to inspire and unite us. Our prayers are with the Brown family. Keep the faith." ### Media Contact: 602-518-5144 Rev. Jarrett Maupin is available to comment on tonight's grand jury decision and subsequent protests.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 08:22 |