Online Hip Hop Under Attack - SOHH Statement |
Written by Felicia Palmer ID4414
Friday, 27 June 2008 05:44 |
As many of you are already aware, has been under attack by hackers this week. We noticed the first wave of attacks in our vBulletins forums and as of this morning the whole site was compromised.
It appears that hackers are specifically targeting Black, Hispanic, Asian and Jewish youth who ascribe to hip hop culture. Other websites, including AllHipHop and Da Piff forums, have also been compromised or threatened this week.
We are managing this situation on several fronts. We have taken down the server to patch the security breach and put in protections for future attacks. Also, as this is an international issue, it is being addressed by The FBI and the Strategic Alliance Cyber Crime Working Group.
We realize the hackers attacked because of our stature in the hip hop space and the people we serve. Unfortunately, we did a poor job of protecting from imminent threats from people who hate our community simply because of our racial and ethnic makeup.
This has brought to light our vulnerabilities and those of the internet publisher and users as a whole. What's possible now is for us to join together to identify and eliminate this threat.
If you are under attack and have any information about these attacks please submit a report to the FBI cyber crimes unit here:
Felicia Palmer CEO