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Today's News Headlines
Thug Life Army
Historic Speech By President Obama Affecting Struggles of Indigenous Natives and Immigrants PDF Print E-mail
Written by DD   
Thursday, 20 November 2014 14:15

Gary Dorr is NezPerce who works with Lakota warriors in the Dakotas, also Veteran of our United States Armed Forces writes:

We’re all in the same boat of Broken Treaties. And we’ve all been subjected to the imaginary border drawn on a map, irrespective of traditional, ceded, and un-ceded territory. There have been illegal “takings” of land and territory that should be righted, but probably never will. All this from the “immigrants” who came here seeking their own freedom from tyranny.

Chicanos / Latinos Anticipate Big President Obama “Immigration” Move Within Purview of the Constitution

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. – Genesis 50:20

Phoenix, AZ — Our women-led independent voter group is in support of President Obama utilizing his executive authority within the purview of our Constitution of the United States.  What was intended to do harm, our Creator intended it for good when “broad discretion” language was highlighted by Justice Anthony Kennedy who wrote the Court’s 5-3 opinion in Arizona v. United States, and joined by Chief Justice John Roberts.  Both Roberts and Kennedy are Republicans.
We know that executive action will not include the entire 11 million but this is a very BIG beginning.   We hope that the Obama administration will consider giving discretion firstly to the veterans of our United States military who served honorably and who are in fear of deportation.  Though approximately half of the 11 million are expected to be given prosecutorial discretion by the Obama administration, this is the time the Republican Party ought to re-evaluate their 2012 anti-immigrant RNC platform in order to contribute to a unique opportunity that will enable them to come up with solutions regarding the other half of the 11 million affected.  We would like to remind Republicans the resistance of taxation without representation by the original Tea Party and ask they see the billions of dollars into our tax coffers from undocumented immigrants who pay into our state and federal tax system without representation.
Chicanos and Latinos have proven our American patriotism over and over again with the blood we have spilled in past American wars — the indigenous natives have a special tie and bond to this soil and we will continue to do what it takes to preserve our environment moving forward.
Ronald Reagan once said: “….in 1620, a group of families dared to cross a mighty ocean to build a future for themselves in a new world. When they arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts, they formed what they called a “compact,” an agreement among themselves to build a community and abide by its laws”.
Though compacts were important to these new immigrants of 1620, Native American treaties to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo affecting the indigenous continue to get ignored.  Major networks such as FOX News, ABC, NBC, and CBS minimize a historic moment affecting millions of the original indigenous natives to this land but are there to capitalize with ideas such as FOX News Latino when they come to the Chicano / Latino buying power trough.
We first give thanks to our Creator with regard to hearing our cries, and also President Barack Obama who gave the Republican Party 6 years to work on immigration reform but to no avail.   It is now time for #ImmigrationAction before the holidays.
Last Updated on Thursday, 27 November 2014 02:39
Native Indigenous Struggles Regarding Greedy Koch Funded Pipeline Disasters PDF Print E-mail
Written by DD   
Tuesday, 18 November 2014 11:38

Native American / Indigenous Chicano Coalition to Obama: Veto Pipeline XL After Ecologists Issue Disaster Warning Under Piping

The Native American / Indigenous Chicano Mexican-American Coalition are asking President Barack Obama to veto the Keystone Pipeline XL bill that violates treaties, rapes our earth and water and negatively impacts our environment.  Native Americans and the indigenous Xicano community can no longer stand idle with continued broken treaties and continued raping of our earth.

Furthermore ecologists have issued a disaster warning to the Keystone XL regard, and the Koch Brothers (who have a history of violating environmental laws) will not protect the American Midwesterner from earthquake disasters from their deep oil drilling that is affecting our earth and creating earthquakes as recent as May 2014.   Those living in the Midwest do not have earthquake proof structures California has adopted and the Koch Brothers should pay in advance in order to ensure Midwestern Americans are safe!

Disaster Warning: The Area Under The Keystone XL Pipeline Is Likely To Experience Earthquakes

"....the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) issued an advisory warning of an increased likelihood of “damaging earthquakes” as a result of the increased number of small and moderate shocks in central and north-central Oklahoma. Both the USGS and OGS reported that there have been a stunning 183 earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 and greater in the Sooner state between October 2013 and April 2014. The two agencies issued the warning advisory because the increase in the rate of earthquakes above 3.0 on the Richter Scale since last October increases the possibility of a “damaging” quake of 5.0 magnitude or higher in central Oklahoma as a result of injecting chemical-laden water used in hydraulic fracturing (fracking) of tight rock formations to “fracture” rock deep underground to extract oil and gas..."


Gary Dorr, Native American activist states:

This is a pipeline that goes THROUGH the United States not TO the United States. All the profit goes out into the Mexican Gulf in a tax free International Oil Trade Zone. The only thing that comes to the United States is the extreme risk of putting 4 carcinogenic compounds into diluted Bitumen inside a 36 inch pipe at 1,600 psi.

Our coalition is focusing on these 11 Democrats in the current Democratic-led Senate and we expect them to do the right thing for the people -- not $elf-interests.  And there will be a backlash against Democratic House of Representatives who have already supported it by independent key swing voters during the next election cycle.


Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota
Mark Begich of Alaska,
Mark Pryor of Arkansas,
Joe Donnelly of Indiana,
Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Claire McCaskill of Missouri,
Jon Tester and John Walsh of Montana,
Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Mark Warner of Virginia and
Joe Manchin III of West Virginia.
Mark Udall of Colorado


Photo: “Promises of responsible oil sands development ring hollow” Posted on November 5, 2013 by Bugle Editor Billion litres of coal-mine muck leaks into Athabasca River


From Buttonvalley:

Last year: “On Monday, the leak from a water pipe at the Suncor oil-sands site saw an estimated 350,000 litres of industrial waste water pour into the Athabasca over a 10-hour period, causing “a short-term, negligible impact on the river,” according to the company.” This followed another huge leak in 2011. You could spend hours on Google reading about the leaky tar sands mining operations. Here are just a few of the facts about tar sands mining.

  • Oil sands mining is licensed to use twice the amount of fresh water that the entire city of Calgary uses in a year. The water requirements for oil sands projects range from 2.5 to 4.0 barrels of water for each barrel of oil produced.
  • Oil sands mining is licensed to use twice the amount of fresh water that the entire city of Calgary uses in a year. The water requirements for oil sands projects range from 2.5 to 4.0 barrels of water for each barrel of oil produced.
  • At least 90% of the fresh water used in the oil sands ends up in tailing lakes so toxic thatpropane cannons and floating scarecrows are used to keep ducks from landing in them.
  • The toxic tailing lakes are considered one of the largest human-made structures in the world. The toxic lakes in Northern Alberta span 50 square kilometers and can be seen from space.
  • A 2003 report concluded that “an accident related to the failure of one of the oil sands tailings ponds could have catastrophic impact in the aquatic ecosystem of the Mackenzie River Basin due to the size of these lakes and their proximity to the Athabasca River.”
Last Updated on Thursday, 27 November 2014 02:41
Create Option C, actress Lourdes Colon’s journey with cancer PDF Print E-mail
Written by Frank M. Miranda   
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 13:11

Create Option C my journey with Cancer, this is a touching story that effects allot of people in the world. Actress Lourdes Colon take the alternative and shares her life and story through this documentary, “Create Option C my journey with Cancer” a must see film merging conventional and non-conventional medicine to help in our own system to rid or reduce cells associated with cancer. This is extremely valuable information for those suffering but could also be helpful for general knowledge because cancer is random and you never know who it’s going to hit next, it may be you. Below are some suggestions:

What’s in the drink:
Ginger reduces blood pressure, and Cholesterol, and stimulates the heart. Ginger is a more powerful then onions or garlic. It’s known to fight inflammation and viruses and much more.

Strawberries is bursting with vitamins, minerals, and fights cancer plus more.

Bananas is a great source of vitamin B, Magnesium and potassium, and is also rich in probiotics.

Blueberries has an impressive ray of antioxidants. And enhances vitamin C and great for fighting cancer and a long list of other illnesses.

Kale healthy for your bones and vitamin K also known for its properties to fighting cancer.

Cucumbers contain significant amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Potassium, as well as silica a compound needed for connective tissue.

Celery a cleansing diuretic effect and it alkalizes which is great for the digestion.

Alfafa sprouts are high in antioxidants and are exceptional and have healing properties.

This drink is full of enzymes as it is raw and never cooked or frozen as both freezing or cooking kill the enzymes we need in these foods.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 November 2014 13:53
Tupac Shakur's Foundation Is Gifting Us With New Music Soon PDF Print E-mail
Written by Stacy-Ann Ellis   
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 14:00


Even many years after his passing Tupac and his camp are making an impact on society. The Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation, founded in 1997 by his mom Afeni Shakur, is promising new tunes in the name of charity.


Before you start thinking along the lines of an all-Pac-everything album, the promised new single—which will be available on 2pac.com for $.99—primarily features several hip hop stars and all sale proceeds will benefit the maintenance of the Tupac Amaru Shakur Center for the Arts in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

Source: http://www.vibe.com/article/chance-rapper-plays-bob-marley-adult-swims-black-dynamite
Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 November 2014 14:01
Racial Struggles: Now Is The Time For Pro Life Groups To Help 6 mo. Baby Who Survived Immigrant Mom PDF Print E-mail
Written by DD   
Monday, 03 November 2014 12:46



A Pro Life Call To Help 6 month Baby Miraculously Delivered By C-Section

By DeeDee Garcia Blase

We were the first to report the story of an undocumented pregnant Mexican woman who was beaten to death in English.  There were news stories regarding the woman who was beaten to a pulp and hospitalized, but few people knew she died until surviving members of Paola Delgado-Polanco were asking for financial help to bring the body back to Mexico and to help the miracle baby (delivered by c-section) who is in critical condition right now.

I wonder, and my gut instinct tells me that anti-immigrant sentiment and the dehumanization of undocumented immigrants played a role in nonchalant reporting.  After all, many of us hear and continue to hear time and time again public political officials refer to immigrants as pigs, cockroaches, cattle and so forth.  In fact, some political officials have advocated shooting them.

As a former long life Republican, now proud independent –  nothing affected me quite like the dehumanizing term of “anchor baby” because I used to be a staunch pro life activist who volunteered my time to help the Arizona Right To Life and other pro life causes.  Things took a turn when the Arizona Republican former Sen. Russell Pearce  wanted to deny brown babies born in the U.S.A. their right to citizenship under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.    The day the now ousted Senator Russell Pearce began attacks on our 14th Amendment / birthright citizenship in Arizona legislative hearings was the day Arizonans For Better Government filed recall papers.  The day chosen to file recall paperwork was essentially a pro life symbol — not just an economic immigrant one for me. There were 2 recall Russell Pearce Groups, but Arizonans For Better Government were the first.

Pro life leaders wanted me to put the pro life issue before my legal immigration reform activism, however, the story of Paola Delgado Polanco can give an example to pro life leaders of Catholic-leaning pro life organizations why legal immigration reform is important. Reports show that undocumented immigrant women fear reporting her abuser for fear of getting deported. In other words, pro life organizations must support additional means, too, for undocumented immigrant mothers to feel safe in reporting a domestic abuser without  fear in order for them to be strong for their babies, too.

According to the UK Guardian:

A pregnant woman who was beaten to death by her boyfriend who assaulted with a baseball bat has died, but not before giving birth to a baby girl.

Police say 21-year-old Paola Delgado-Polanco, who was originally from Mexico, was pronounced dead on Wednesday morning after being violently assaulted at her trailer park home in Delaware.

Miss Polanco was found by paramedics and died just hours later from her injuries.

Before she died, she gave birth to a baby girl who was born three months premature.

The newborn is listed in critical but stable condition at Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware.

Paola’s family in Puente de Camotlan in Mexico are hoping that people may be able to donate to help bring her body back to her home country.

They have set up a page which they also hope will help to raise some funds to help care for her newborn baby girl which the family will now look after.

We implore pro life leaders to help us help the 6 month preemie baby alive.  The baby is in critical condition, and the family needs help and prayers.

The family writes:

Paola Eden Delagado Polanco was a young thriving girl and full of life, with charming simplicity and humility. She died October 29 at her 21 years as a victim of domestic violence  caused by her boyfriend in Bear, Delaware. Paola was six months pregnant, and by a miracle the baby survived. God has plans for all of us and Paola is now in the kingdom of heaven with our Heavenly Father. She was beautiful, but her inner beauty was far more radiant than her physical attractiveness. We urge support for funeral expenses and to send her body to rest in her home town of Puente de Camotlan Nayarit, Mexico. We also ask for your help in the expenses for her premature baby girl who has a long journey ahead of her. Thank you and may God bless you .

- The Delgado Polanco Family

Paola Eden Delgado Polanco & Baby

Paola Eden Delagado Polanco era una joven luchadora y llena de vida; encantadora con su sencillez y humildad.  Ella  falleció le 29 de octubre a los 21 años como una víctima de  violencia doméstica a manos de su novio en Bear , Delaware. Paola estaba embarazada de seis meses, y  de milagro  la bebé  sobrevivió. Dios tiene planes para todos nosotros y Paola ahora está en el reino de los cielos con nuestro Padre Celestial.  Ella era hermosa que no sólo era físicamente preciosa, pero también era una  alma muy tierna. Les pedimos apoyo para los gastos del funeral y para mandar a su cuerpo a Puente de Camotlan, Nayarit, Mexico .  También les pedimos su ayuda para los gastos que tendrá la niña prematura que tiene un futuro muy largo. Muchas gracias por todo su apoyo y que Dios los bendiga.

- La Familia Delgado Polanco.

Raised by 21 people in 3 days / Donate Now 591 FB SHARES /Created October 31, 2014

Brown lives matter, and I hope pro life organizations get a better understanding why we must protect undocumented mothers first with our continued legal immigration reform advocacy.  This dilemma is sort of like the “chicken before laying the egg” thing.

Last Updated on Monday, 10 November 2014 01:32
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