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Industry Updates Thank God for Hip-Hop Film Festival Jan 11th-15th
Thank God for Hip-Hop Film Festival Jan 11th-15th PDF Print E-mail
Written by Robert ID2096   
Thursday, 10 November 2005 14:06

Thank God for Hip-Hop Film Festival & Action Conference will celebrate the blessings of hip-hop’s creative power to effect community building change January 11th thru 15th.

The Chicago Local Organizing Committee for the 2006 National Hip-Hop Political Convention is seeking submissions of features, feature shorts, documentaries, music videos, PSAs, and trailers to screen Jan. 11th-15th for the noncompetitive Thank God For Hip-Hop Film Festival & Action Conference at Kennedy-King College, 6800 S. Wentworth Ave., Chicago.

Selected films, which will be the basis for Q&A’s, panel discussions, workshops, demonstrations of hip-hop beaux arts and belles letters, open forums, caucuses, and New England-style town meetings, must be submitted in DVD or VHS tape format and must pertain to the core themes of education, economic justice, human rights, health care, and media justice. No other format will be considered. Only final cuts, fine cuts, and very advanced rough cuts for films will be considered.

Inquires for volunteer festival staff opportunities, including those for program coordinators, production assistants, visual artists inspired by hip-hop, breakers and pop lockers, mic-controllers, spoken word poets, DJs, turntablists, actors, and panelists also welcome. No monetary compensation, but sponsor gifts and negotiable internship and apprenticeship opportunities, and community service credit available for volunteer positions.

Audience surveying and promotions for films not fitting the festival’s minimum criteria, as well as slots for a film school expo; available on a fee basis.

For an entry form, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .  To volunteer as film festival staff, please fill out an online volunteer application at www.Chiloc.com .

Also visit Chiloc.com for other information and inquiries.

Or call Black United Fund of Illinois (Chicago) at 773.324.0494. Or write Thank God For Hip-Hop Film Festival & Action Conference, c/o Chicago LOC, 2006 National Hip-Hop Political Convention, Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies, Northeastern Illinois University, 700 E. Oakwood Blvd., Chicago, IL 60653-2312.

Industry Updates Thank God for Hip-Hop Film Festival Jan 11th-15th

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