Rap Artist Canibus Provides 'Def Con Zero' Giveaway |
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Written by Site Admin. ID2172 |
Tuesday, 06 December 2005 06:38 |
This give away has ended. Winners are being fotified by email. Thanks to Canibus and Phoenix Orion, and also First Kut Records and Head Trauma Records for providing the give awayand thaks to all who entered. East Coast hip-hop and the rap world in general was deeply impacted in the mid-90s, when a brilliantly talented upstart street poet and performer Canibus appeared on the scene. Rap artist Canibus has been a star on the underground hip-hop mix tape scene, he had a misunderstanding with superstar rap artist LL Cool J, which led to a longstanding feud that changed the course of his career, he has had a handful of indie releases, he did a year and a half as part of the U.S. Army’s Stryker Brigade; and now he is back with his new CD/DVD release Def Con Zero. The new CD/DVD release from Canibus ‘Def Con Zero’ is his old hardcore style, in your face hip-hop. And in his revolutionary fashion, the hour long DVD is also the first of its kind for a rap project. Thanks to Canibus and Phoenix Orion, and also First Kut Records and Head Trauma Records we are very pleased to be offering the ‘Def Con Zero’ CD/DVD as one of our current give aways. To register for this give away send an email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and write Canibus in the subject line. The give away will end January 1st, 2006 so get in on this. Winners will be notified by email and at that time you will be asked for your mailing address (no P.O. Boxes Please). Now based in Las Vegas amid a fast growing hip-hop / rap community and recording industry, Canibus explains that “Def Con Zero shows once again my allegiance to and the integrity of my music. What pleases me is that it falls in line with the technical strength and lyrical dexterity of my best work. The DVD is also the first of its kind for a rap project, so that’s exciting as well” Read more about this monumental release from Canibus and Phoenix Orion HERE - ‘Hip-Hop Artist Canibus Back To His Hardcore Rap Roots’. For more information on CANIBUS please visit www.luckmedia.com , and / or www.kententertainment.com Support the artists and industry people who support ThugLifeArmy.com thru their support and by providing these giveaways for our visitors. If you can’t wait you can order the CD/DVD HERE, and if you win one you can always turn a friend on to it. They would appreciate it I know. |