Outlying Areas of Cincinnati Need Leadership Too |
Written by Robert ID1908 |
Monday, 19 September 2005 07:25 |
It is no big secret that I am originally from the Cincinnati Ohio area. Looking at the situation there now, the city’s outlook seems bleak. High crime along with what seems to be some kind of murder daily, the city I grew up in is truly in turmoil. Looking back at some of the names that came from the city I called home, I do not see that tradition carrying on in the genre of hip-hop and rap anytime soon. Back in the day legendary names like Bootsy Collins, The Isley Brothers, and Roy Ayres come to mind. But as far as hip-hop and rap and anyone that stands out from there, the field is almost bare. The same goes for the political field. As Cincinnati sees its own troubles, so does the out lying community’s that border Cincinnati. Smaller villages and townships are also seeing their share of crime and a big change from what they use to be ‘back in the day’. One small village especially seems to be on the down slide with no hope in sight. A lack of strong local government guarantees failure of this once ‘nice place to live’. Elmwood Place is a small village on the out skirts of Cincinnati. No real business, no real future and a local government that seems to be stuck in the past as well, not looking for a true way out of their problems; just looking at things day to day. During the last term of mayor that village has seen about 5 or 6 different mayors; one staying a while and then moving on and then another taking their place. Election time is approaching and with all the squabble among those in village government and their lack of watching out for the property owners; one can only thank God that a disaster like Katrina has never hit there. One can only imagine what kind of ‘circus’ that would be given the state of the village government. The lack of leadership is the true fault of the little villages’ downfall. Without strong leadership a city is doomed to fail. Lack of a strong stable mayor leads to council members trying to destroy things that are working fine or trying to fix things that are not broke; and working towards their own good; instead of that of the community. The upcoming elections provide no real answers to any of the problems facing Elmwood Place or really any of the surrounding areas of the city of Cincinnati. That region of the country should be declared uninhabitable to humans and turned over to those who wish to play as though they are important to some degree, to themselves, and then they could be free to waste time passing laws they do not enforce or bowing down to their friends to look important – and then it would not affect those who have a true investment in the community. When local government fails to look out for property owners and bows to others out of friendship and or discrimination or thru intimidation, then that government is in real need of change. But there has to be something good to change to, not the same ‘program’ in a different wrapper; or what some would call ‘political okie doke’. Cincinnati and the surrounding areas are in terrible shape and there are no legends growing on the political scene as well as the music scene. Voters need to consider what they really want from government. Do they want or need a government that just looks out for their friends and renters of their friends or does a voter want a strong government that they can hold accountable and that they feel are truly representing them and their investment? Only time will tell what impact the upcoming elections will have on the small village of Elmwood Place and the entire Cincinnati area. Hopefully there will be a much needed change but I can not see where that is going to come from. What ever area you live in – VOTE. Make your voice heard. It is important to put those in power that have your true interest in mind. If the disaster named Katrina taught us anything, let it be that we need strong stable government and a local government that is willing to stand up for the residents – and that is for all the residents. If your area or hometown is in a situation like this email me and your article on your hometown could be posted here. *This article was written as an editorial. The views are the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of this site. Robert can be reached by email @ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . |