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Editorials The 'Treatment' of Marion 'Suge' Knight
The 'Treatment' of Marion 'Suge' Knight PDF Print E-mail
Written by Robert ID841   
Sunday, 06 February 2005 23:07


Marion 'suge'' Knight

Once again the news agencies have gone wild with the reports of hip-hop / rap mogul and CEO of Death Row Records Marion ‘Suge’ Knight being arrested.

On Saturday night Marion ‘Suge’ Knight was arrested for ‘possible’ parole violation, after ‘a small amount of marijuana’ was found in his Ford truck. Yes it is a violation, maybe; and it will be up to the state officials to sort it all out: not the media.

But the point here is it was a ‘small amount’ of marijuana according to police officials.

To ‘boost’ the story Mr. Knights entire record was and is being re-played like that is of some importance to having a ‘small amount’ of marijuana. Even the fact that Marion ‘Suge’ Knight was driving the car the night that the late rap icon Tupac Shakur was shot in Las Vegas in 1996 is being re-played like we all didn’t know that or that has some importance to Mr. Knight having marijuana 8 years later?

When others in the rap and hip-hop culture are accused of a crimes a lot worse than simple marijuana possession do we hear his or her entire record? Did we hear of all the past mistakes that were committed by them or all the allegations and speculations?

Oh lets not forget the addition of ‘driving without insurance’. This to is against the law in most states but I am sure that Mr. Knight could afford to pay for any damage that he may accrue if he is involved in an accident. Of course we don’t know if he just did not have proof of insurance with him or if he in deed let his insurance lapse, we don’t know but most are sure and eager to ride the wave.

Even hip-hop and rap web sites, who know the ‘urgency’ of getting someone off the streets that may have a ‘small amount’ of marijuana, are quick to play this as the biggest story of the year. All knowing that Suge Knight is, and has been; a ''target'' for police officials and any little thing they can do to him they feel they in someway are protecting and serving the community.

Most of these web sites ‘steal’ AP news and other news sources news without even a mention of the true author of the story. Yet they feel Mr. Knight is somehow so guilty of an outrageous crime of having a ‘small amount’ of marijuana; when in fact the sites that do steal news from the AP and other sources are guilty of plagiarism which is a lot more serious crime.

A cautious approach should be taken until all the facts and the state officials look into this before everyone jumps on the media express and just presumes guilt or innocence for Marion ‘Suge’ Knight.

If this story has to ‘play out’ in the media it is only fair that it play on an equal surface.

Be assured that if there was a violation Marion 'suge'' Knight will be held accountable, but can we at least wait till the officials look into this and stop trying to 'slant'' everything with ancient history.

Editorials The 'Treatment' of Marion 'Suge' Knight

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