Hip Hop Pioneer Calls for Boycott of Olympics Print
Written by Davey D and Ernie Paniciolli ID4296   
Saturday, 12 April 2008 02:00

Hip Hop Pioneer Calls for Boycott of Olympics by Davey D and Hip Hop Photographer, Author, Lecturer, Human Being Ernie Paniciolli

Pioneering Hip Hop Photographer Ernie Paniciolli has been calling for folks to boycott the Olympics. He sees the human rights abuse in China as no different as the torture put upon Blacks in Apartheid South Africa. Here's what he recently wrote...

Davey D

Not since the Olympics were held in Nazi Germany has the need for a total boycott of the 2008 Olympics been so powerful.

The Chinese have subjugated and tortured the Tibetan people, tried to crush their religion, raped and murdered their nuns and tortured and killed their children. At the same time they have been brutal in their repression of human rights of the Chinese people themselves. How can you help in the boycott. Two ways: 1) Active, 2) passive.

Active would entail writing letters to the media, your political elected officials and to the Olympic athletes, coaches and higher ups. Active would also entail something as simple as putting a sign in your window, car or porch saying "FREE TIBET". It would also mean wearing a tee shirt with a powerful message. It would also entail rallies, protests and a boycott of any products advertised during the Olympics and letters to the sponsors letting them know Human Rights are more important than gold medals. Also do not buy anything that says "MADE IN CHINA" that will get the attention of the Chinese rulers before, during and after the Olympics.

Active would also only be limited by your imagination.

Passive would entail passing this e-mail to a hundred friends and asking them to pass it on as well. It would also include not watching anything on television and speaking out to your friends and family. Television and sports have far too much importance in our current lives and boycotting these Olympics would free up valuable time we could spend as quality time with friends, families and loved ones.

Lastly in my eyes the treatment, subjugation and colonization of the Tibetan people is a living mirror of the horrors visited onto Native Americans by the Europeans and the brutality of Apartheid in South Africa or the destruction in Palestine as well as racist Jim Crow laws and segregation right here in America.

Remember the saying "No one can do everything, but everyone can do something"

Peace, Ernie Paniccioli Author, Lecturer, Photographer, Human Being


"The government you have elected is inoperative..." Gil Scott Heron -h2O Blues