Motion For Rap Icons Godmother Rebuffed Print
Written by NiKKi ID1452   
Friday, 27 May 2005 22:16

A resolution calling for clemency for fugitive Joanne Chesimard aka Assata Shakur, godmother of slain rap artist Tupac Shakur; was declared dead on arrival yesterday in the NY City Council.

In an unusual action, Speaker Gifford Miller (D-Manhattan) said the measure will be buried in committee without getting a hearing or vote.

"We''re not going to have a hearing on a resolution to grant clemency to a convicted cop killer who broke out of prison and has fled the country," Miller vowed.

Chesimard, a former Black Panther leader aka Assata Shakur, was convicted in the 1973 execution-style murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster during a traffic stop. She escaped prison while serving a life sentence and fled to Cuba.

The resolution, introduced by Councilman Charles Barron (D-Brooklyn), calls for presidential clemency for Chesimard and the lifting of a $1 million federal reward for her capture. Barron, a former Black Panther, said yesterday that Assata Shakur is the victim of "trumped-up charges and a kangaroo court with an all-white jury."

Councilman James Oddo (R-S.I.) responded when Barron introduced the resolution, "Brother Charles, if it talks like a terrorist and it kills like a terrorist and it runs like a terrorist, it is a terrorist."


For More Information On Assata Shakur:



Related Article - ''Rap Icons Godmother Assata Shakur Speaks''

See Struggle News Section for all articles on Assata's Struggle.