Soundclick Has Made Impact Print
Written by Keith ID467   
Sunday, 28 November 2004 20:57

When closed their doors on December 2nd, 2003. Independent singers, rappers, bands and producers lost a valuable place to host and promote their music. However, Soundclick quickly came to the rescue. Unlike some music communities Soundclick is 100% independently owned.

Soundclick has been in business since 1997 and has done well for itself over the years. However, most of 2004’s members have come from closing its doors to independent music tickets.

Soundclick is shaping up to be a monster in online music communities. Out of 16 million plus websites on the Internet. Soundclick is ranked 3,084 per ratings. That’s extremely powerful and it’s says much about the sites audience.

Speaking of an audience. Thousands of artist and entrepreneurs are taking advantage of such a wonderful vehicle. Pound for pound there is not a better way to promote music online as an independent ticket.

Two websites are successfully taking advantage of the company’s internet presence. The first website is one of a producer who is directly involved with Soundclick. Avalon of www.MarinatedMusiq. com is reaping all types of rewards for his instrumental beats that are host on Soundclick. He is currently receiving as many as 4,700 song plays a day. On the last visit to the site the total amount of plays were well over 400,000.

One visit to the website and you can hear why the numbers are so high! It is no wonder why the Soundclick community supports Avalon and his music.

The second website to take notice of is www.SoundclickSecrets. com  This website is packed with offers of information that could help a beginning artist, producer or band turn their music into money.

The entrepreneur that owns the site is very well informed on how to promote, sell and market music online. The information the website offers also touches on Music Industry Contracts and detailed know how’s on increasing online fan bases.

As an entrepreneur this person has found a way to capitalize on the opportunity to help artist, producers and band members survive in the music industry.

www.SoundclickSecrets com is offered as a CD-Rom and comes with enough information to make a whale choke. Best of all the owner of the site provides a Money Back Guarantee to show the commitment and belief of the product.

People who want to make it in the music business are all over the world and Soundclick has provided a safe haven for them to grow as artist, producers, band members and entrepreneurs.

With the FREE services provided on the site like artist WebPages, unlimited song uploads and message boards. It’s no wonder Soundclick is ranked 3,084 out of 16 million websites. The two websites www.MarinatedMusiq. com and www.SoundclickSecrets. com are perfect examples of how artist and entrepreneurs are being impacted by Soundclick.

Soundclick is a wonderful idea that someone dreamed about. Today that one dream has spawned thousands of dreams as host over 900,000 verified members.

If you have anything to do with music and you have not peeked in on Soundclick. You are missing something.