Update on Bobby (DTTX) from Lighter Shade of Brown posted by KID FROST |
Written by Repost
Thursday, 14 July 2016 16:53 |
I’m still here with his Mom his Aunts nieces ODM Lil Uno Crazy Joe Jammin James and Tony I’m sitting here still tripping that My Homie won’t be able to pull through the rigors of what happened to our boy and from what I see his spirit and soul have left his body and he has begun his journey with the Lord I will say he looks real peaceful and the last time he was seen alive was on the corner of koval and flamingo he asked Crazy Joe to drop him off where 2PAC was shot they let him off on that corner with a 12 PAC of beer a pint of vodka and a pack of smokes He was smiling and said he would be OK there that was Friday night July 2nd on July 7th he was found barely breathing in a coma state they brought him in as a John Doe he suffered cardiac arrest and had severe burns from hours in coma in the hot Vegas sun on further test our little buddy was already going through kidney and liver failure the neurologist told me personally that nothing can be done he is clinically brain dead he told me they were manipulating his breathing and now we wait with tears in my eyes for his mom to give the word to take bobby off life support I can see the pain in her eyes and I know its going to be the hardest thing she has ever done in her life this is very surreal I ain’t slept in over 24 hours but I just can’t leave like this I watch ODM now sitting next to his rhyme partner people we all matter this is something that I never thought I’d witness but I’m here asking the Lord to be with my boy and his family in their time of need.
Last Updated on Sunday, 21 January 2024 16:33 |