Police Say Rapper Inspired Shootings Print
Written by Robert ID899   
Thursday, 17 February 2005 02:24

The New York mall shooter, Robert Bonelli Jr, was inspired by shock hip-hop underground rap artist Dead Rabbit's hit underground song, "Casa Rebel."

New York police have found several bootleg copies of rapper Dead Rabbit's album, "Sex Crimes," at the home of accused gunman Robert Bonelli Jr.

Bonelli, a 25 year old resident of New York, was apparently fascinated by Dead Rabbit's vivid description of a Columbine-like massacre in the song "Casa Rebel."

Police sources speculate that Bonelli was a "Zealot," or follower of the shock hip-hop rap artist Dead Rabbit.

Rapper Dead Rabbit released the following statement on his website www.DeadRabbit.com :

"While we are saddened that innocent people have been hurt by Bonelli, the reason by the shooting must be fully explored. Whether it was a random action or a political statement must be discovered. If he was truly inspired by our music, then neither his aim nor location (of the shooting) should be in doubt."

Dead Rabbit's music often describes violence as a form of protest. From killing preppie students to bombing a popular "yuppie" nightspot in Sacramento, CA, Dead Rabbit promotes the destruction of the "1 percent"; a slang term for the ruling class.