Hip-Hop Photographer Siri Khalsa Interview |
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Written by Robert ID1522 |
Sunday, 12 June 2005 04:15 |
We have all heard of the hip-hop violinist, the hip-hop DJ, the hip-and rap artists; but what about the hip-hop photographer. The photos of the top hip-hop and rap stars are looked at by many. We all enjoy seeing shots of our favorite artists out and performing. The ‘head’ shots and publicity stills are collected and used by many; fans and media alike. News organizations from print media to the internet are glad to get ‘fresh’ photos of the Hip-Hop artists. Unique photos of the hip-hop cultures ‘elite’ are loved by everyone. Many of us may not think about where those pictures come from or who is behind that camera. The lens can take that moment and preserve it into history but who is in control of the lens? Siri Khalsa is one of those artist who directs her lens on the faces of many of the hip-hop cultures ‘elite’. She is the owner of Mia Digital Photography a firm who is taking some of the best pictures available of today’s rap artists and those associated in the hip-hop culture. Her look would lead you to think she is just a beautiful woman but as you can read in this interview, here is a strong intelligent woman on a mission to succeed. Gaining every ounce of respect and appreciation she has received to this point. Making the decision that her destiny was in her own hands, she has decided to reach for her dream to be recognized as an artist. Her photos are amazing and she has an eye and a relationship with the camera lens. That is apparent in her work. Her story is as unique as her work is. ThugLifeArmy.com’s Robert sat down to talk to Siri Khalsa about life as a artist and the road led to her company MIA Digital. If you ever wondered how a person becomes a photographer or how other areas of the hip-hop culture work, this is an interview that you do not want to miss. Siri Khalsa, although does many hip-hop and rap events does not limit her talents to just one area. She also does photo shoots for fashion shows, rock events and where ever her camera and her talent leads her. We would like to that Siri Khalsa of MIA Digital for taking time to talk to us. This is one interview that really has some great information and you can see the ‘behind the scenes’ of the hip-hop culture. Hope you enjoy it.
Siri Khalsa can be contacted at MIA DIGITAL AT This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Or by phone at 818-921-5487. View a few samples of her work at the bottom of this interview and visit her section on ThugLifeArmy's site HERE .
Robert – Thank you for taking time to talk to us. We appreciate it. Siri – Thank you Robert, I appreciate you. Robert – Let’s start with a little background on yourself. Where are you originally from? Siri – I was born in Los Angeles California. Robert – You still live in Cali now? Siri – Yea, I live in Hollywood. Robert – What part of California were you born in? Siri – I found out I was actually born in Inglewood, but am from the valley…well it’s kinda a funny story. I was working at Priority Records when Mack 10 got signed to the label. And he was reppin Inglewoooood! and I told him ‘Hey I’m from Inglewood’. And he was like ‘Really? Where you from? What street?, or something, And I was like oh I have to call my mom. So I called my mom and I asked ‘Where am I from in Inglewood?’ And mom was like ‘your not from Inglewood, you were born there, because that’s the hospital your doctor was in when I went into labor’, so I was trying to claim Inglewood but as it turns out my family is from the valley; the San Fernando Valley and Pops is from Pasadena. Robert – Is your family behind your endeavors in this career that you have chosen? Siri – Yes absolutely. My mother has been great, probably like all moms. She has been encouraging me my whole life to just follow my dreams and she has always led me to believe that I’m a special person. Ya know I could be having trouble at work and I’d call her and say these people are treating me like s**t, and My mom would say you don’t have to sit there and take it because you’re special and you can really do whatever you want and don’t let anyone hold you down. She has always been real encouraging. Pops plays Jazz Trumpet. And my cousin Paul Hunter is a director. His brother Kevin is an actor/director. So I’d say I come from an entertainment family. Robert – How did you get introduced to the music industry? Siri – Probably through my cousin Paul. For a little back ground. I went to school in India. Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary, That’s where I graduated high school, Shangri-La, and That’s where I got the name for my company MIA DIGTIAL, MIA is short for Made in India. So I may be Cali born but I feel I was raised in India. And when I came back I really didn’t know what was going on, I’m just ‘new’, kinda fresh off the boat if you will. And my cousin was at CSUN and he was making student films, so my first jobs were in his student films as a stand in and an actress. After that I was in a couple of music videos. So I actually started on the other side of the camera as an actress/model and I had just done an AT&T commercial when I got a job at Priority Records; and I opted for that regular pay check. Robert – How long have you been working in music related fields? Siri – Gosh, I’d have to say since 1991 – 92. Robert – Oh, did you ever meet Tupac Shakur? Siri – I didn’t get a chance to meet Tupac, and that’s interesting because I’ve met damn near everybody else. I didn’t meet him in person, but I was always moved by his passion for life and his artistic talent and his ability. Of course I remember where I was when he passed and I just remember being shook, I felt like I knew him. When we lost him I felt like I lost a friend. Robert – I think everybody did ya know. Siri – Yeah. Robert – How did you get your first photo shoot? Siri – Actually my first photo shoot, that depends on if you’re talking a paid photo shoot or just taking pictures for people. The first time I started taking pictures I was working for my cousin Paul, we were on set. The first job I did for him was with Will Smith for the video ‘Wild Wild West’. I was on set taking pictures behind the scenes, that’s when I was using one of Paul’s film Camera’s; I have since switched to digital. But I got a lot of great pictures of Paul and Will on set. It was pretty exciting for me and I gotta say that’s when I really got interested in photography. Robert – When I first met you, you worked for a PR firm that reps some of the biggest hip-hop and rap artists around. What made you leave there? Siri – I wanted to be able to follow my dreams. I had spent all of this time, before this year, working for other people. And basically working as an assistant, on an assistant level and hadn’t met anyone who was willing to give me a chance to really blossom and get out on my own. So I decided that you got to take chances for yourself. I waited long enough to get a promotion, get a raise and I just decided to take my life into my own hands and really pursue my dreams. I feel like you have to do that for yourself. If I hadn’t I would still be waiting for that raise or that promotion. Robert – Who has been instrumental in you getting ahead in the business? Siri – Well I mean as far as getting ahead, I would have to say honestly; no one. No one was really there to give me that break that I so deservedly earned and gave myself, to be honest with you. I mean people are willing to put you on that’s one thing, but I was never able to move up. but I was definitely influenced by a lot of people. Paul Hunter for one, I worked with him for about 5 years. And his dedication to the art and to beauty really inspired me. He does great work and a lot of the women, the divas like him cause he knows how to make them look good. And he knows how to make them feel good, I got to watch him work and that was really great for me, good experience. And Little x, He has a great use of color and all that really spoke to me. I grew up actually watching Hindi films in India. And loved their use of color and music and I always thought that was what I wanted to do. Just to combine music and color, and I think that is what those guys do really great. But more recently, actually, we were having lunch with Cartoon, ya know the tattoo artist. And I left that lunch just definitely inspired; definitely inspired. He’s the guy that just lets you know you can do it. Also he turned me onto a book by Tony Robbins called ‘Unlimited Power’. And I read that book and that book changed my life. So that was definitely encouraging. We work in a glamorous field, entertainment, and everything looks pretty but ya know a lot of people that are successful have taken risks and have worked just really hard to get there. Robert – What in your mind are some of the best memories you have so far in what you do? Siri – One that will always stand out is that first job with Paul and working with Will Smith. We were on the Warner Brothers lot and he is just the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, and everyone around him are just really nice and friendly and they all helped to make my first job; which could have been really scary; just really great. And just being able to meet the different people that I have met. Like Snoop Dogg, I’ve known him for years, and called to tell him ‘Hey I’m branching out on my own and I’m doin my photography thing and I’d love to add you to my book’. And he didn’t hesitate at all, it was just like ‘Yah, come down and see me this is where I’m at, bring your camera, and I got some really great shots of him that day, about 20 min.’s ya know. He really came thru. Even though he is one of the biggest names that are out there now he was really kind and I appreciate that about him. I’ve met so many great people though. And just not the entertainers but people that are working. I love to associate with people like myself, the assistant, the PA’s (Production Assistants), and people parking cars. I parked cars ya know. Robert – So wait a minute, you go from parking cars to being a model to videos to the other side of the camera to working in PR and now as a Hip-Hop Photographer, and it all started parking cars? Siri – Yeah, I’ve done it all man that’s what I’m saying, life is great. I enjoyed just as much parking cars as I did working on set with Paul. Working at the record company, and I enjoyed it all cause I really – I like people. And that’s what is really great about photography; I get to meet so many people. It’s different when you go out and you have your camera on. I’m just able to meet people and really look at them. Maybe it’s easier to look at people thru the eye of a camera, and the response that they give you. I just really love people. I love all people from all walks of life. I’ve been all around the world and that’s what I really like about photography. It’s a culmination of everything I have ever done in my life. All these people that I have met, and now I want to meet them again, I want to see them again and I want to capture their essence with my camera. Robert – What are some of the worst things that have happened? Siri – Well ya know being involved in hip-hop there has been a lot of and I have been exposed to a lot of violence, a lot of fights. Things like that, like being trampled, been to shows getting stomped over ya know. That’s the ugly side of hip-hop. I really hope that we can change this. Like I sent you those pictures from the Chi Lounge the other night. Great party, everyone’s having a really good time, and the end of the night these guys get into a fight ya know. They just brought down the whole – they just brought everything down. We’re all out having a really good time and I just think that is the unfortunate side of hip-hop. Robert – You have a job that many would love to have. Is it as glamorous as some may think? Siri – After 12 years, how ever many ever years, I can’t count being in the entertainment business; the most beautiful the most glamorous thing I have ever seen was when I was on the beach in Thailand. I happened to be on the island of Phuket a year before the tsunami came thru, and that’s glamour to me. It’s beautiful to see whole families getting around on scooters, and fishermen on their boats and the sand; to me that’s where the real glamour is. Robert – Are most of your shoots in Cali or do you travel to? Siri – I haven’t had a chance to travel yet, although I do work with a Persian recording artist and she is talking about perhaps doing some shows in Turkey and Dubai. I look forward to traveling with her. So basically I have been shooting locally. I have been doing events. I have been doing head shots and event photography and doing some work on set. I just want to grow. I’d love to hook up with some up and coming artists and travel the world with them, go on tour. Relationships are important in photography. Robert – Is ‘safety’ ever an issue? I mean I know you were at the Chi Club the other night when there was that little dis-agreement of sorts between Yukmouth and Spider. Do things like that happen a lot? Siri – Yeah, unfortunately they do. It’s kinda funny, I kinda have a 6th sense. I was with the guy that I work with, his name is Sky, and we were standing outside, it was actually right after I took the group photo of Spider and his G-Unit west crew. We were all standing outside with the guys and they wanted to see the picture. I have a digital camera so they could see it right there. And they were like ‘Hey yo that’s dope what ever whatever and then all of the sudden the vibe just changed, maybe you heard a raised voice, and I put my hand on Sky’s arm and I brought him to the side. And he was like ‘Hey what’s going on’? And I said oh well, I think there is about to be a fight. And he said how did you know? It was pretty quick, but I think I had a 6th sense unfortunately. After being around it for so long you do develop a 6th sense and you can kinda tell when things are going there. Robert – Did you get any pictures of the dis-agreement that night? Siri – No, and you know what; I wouldn’t. For one thing that’s not what I’m trying to promote. I’m definitely not here to promote violence. Besides that I care more about myself and my camera ya know. I wouldn’t want to get knocked out; I wouldn’t want my camera broken. Besides I don’t think the people fighting would appreciate it. I’m not that kind of photographer, no that doesn’t interest me in the least. Robert – Is that the only event that you were at that has gotten that far out of control? Siri – Well no, I shot a fashion show the other day. One of the models invited to many of her ‘boyfriends’ and there was a fight, right after the fashion show. Moved right into the room where everyone was getting dressed. And one of the models got knocked out; he got 3 stitches in his chin. Robert – Have you ever took pictures that either the artist or their people didn’t want published? Siri – No, I don’t do Papparazi type of photos. Anytime I’ve taken pictures I ask people if they mind having their picture taken or not. Like Suge was at the party that night (at Chi) and I just walked up to him and I was like ‘Hey do you mind if I get a photo’? It took him a second and he was like ‘No go ahead’. So I want people’s permission and not only that I want the connection with them. When I’m taking your picture, I’d like you to be looking at me. I like to connect with the person, even if it’s just for that moment. Robert – You brought up Suge, have you met him before? Sire – I haven’t met him per say but I have seen him out at a few events. He lives in Los Angeles, I live in Los Angeles and I see him out from time to time. He is always real nice. I haven’t seen him ya know, cut up the way I know he can, or I should say how he allegedly can. Robert – Do you ever find yourself getting ‘star struck’ at some of the events you cover? Siri – No not really; I’ve been happy to see people but I wouldn’t say necessarily star struck. If I was going to be star struck with anyone it would have been Will Smith and he was just so nice that all that other stuff just went right out the window. Robert – How do the artists accept you? Siri – It’s funny, I think I’ve been well accepted, at least the local artists and people I have met from being in the industry for so long they recognize me and if not by name just by face., so maybe I am someone familiar to them. And I think that has helped because being familiar they’re not as shy, their open; they don’t mind me taking their picture. I actually think a lot of people like having their picture taken, and that’s what I really like about it. There are a few people who are like no, no thank you and that’s fine; ya just keep going. Robert – Do you find it hard as a female in the hip-hop arena, after all the talk of how hip-hop treats and shows dis-respect for females? Siri – I feel I have been really lucky, and I want to say I think it has a lot to do with the way you carry yourself. I’ve been around all kinds of guys: artists, the kind you might want to call ‘thugs’ and I have always felt safe. I have never had an incident where ever I’ve been mistreated, so I think part of it is you have to know how to conduct yourself. Robert – I see you have some real nice pictures of Snoop and I have seen a few of you and Snoop together. Is there a special bond with him? Siri – Cali Baby!! We go way back…and I appreciate him. We’re not on like a ‘phoner’ basis but I see him out from time to time or I might run into him at video shoots, my cousin has directed a few of his videos; so he knows my fam and we’re just cool like that. Robert – I know you have pic’s of just about everybody; from Snoop to Suge Knight. Who have been some of the artists that you have met and photographed that had an impact on you? Siri – Suge… I was at a party the other day and by the way I wanted to give a shout out to Echo Hattix. She has been hooking me up with a few of these celebrities, She was the publicist that had me down with my camera, and I was able to get Suge Knight. I was happy to actually get Suge to be honest with you. That was a big one for me. Crazy Legs, Big Daddy Kane they’re classics in this game. I got a really nice flick of the model Shakara at the Smooth Magazine Party, and Paul Mooney was at the spot the other night. But I really appreciate everybody and what they’re doing and the art form and the time and the dedication that they give. There are other people that I would love to get photographs of but I’m sure that will happen ya know; it will come. Robert – Are you getting a lot of luv in the market? Siri – Yeah I am. I really haven’t been turned away. But I’m just starting out and I appreciate your interest in what I’m doing, cause I’m kinda a ‘baby’ right now in this game. I’ve gotten a lot of love from the internet sites and I really appreciate that. Because I feel like I’m where you guys are right now. You might not be VIBE magazine, maybe you don’t have as many viewers, and maybe you have more. But a lot of time I’ve found like being in that assistant position or say your with an internet site and your not a magazine – well then a lot of people might be like ’Aw forget about that’. Forget about me ‘Aw, she’s a freelance photographer’. They may prefer to work with someone who has a bigger name or charges more money. I like working on the ground level, I like being in the roots part of it so to speak, and I like growing with people you know. And hopefully we can grow together Robert, Ya know you have been real supportive, and I think we all can work together and we can grow together. Also wanna mention Jay at Ballerstatus.Net. Robert – I wanted to ask you, I’ve seen some of your pictures on various web sites and in fan forums where no credit is given to you for your work. How does it make you feel as an artist to see your work just taken like that? Siri – I’m happy to have it out there right now, I am happy that people are enjoying it. They may have taken it from other web sites or some other place that did post it with photo credit. I know the people that I work with and that I send them to (you post with photo credit), but right now it’s flattering to me that somebody would want to take that and use it somewhere. I love people to see my work. Even if they don’t know it’s mine, I like that they appreciate the picture enough to want to use it. I think that’s great. Robert – Have there been web sites that have really reacted well to your photos and reached out and supported you? Siri – Well obviously yourself, like with this interview. I think it is awesome that you are interested in talking to me about this. There are a few other web sites that wanted to work with me. They have seen my pictures and they usually respond to some artist or another that fits their form. So I have been offered a lot of freelance work with these web sites and I’m just waiting for somebody to ‘Show Me The Money’, ‘Show Me The Money’. Robert – What would be the acceptable way for web sites and others to use your photos? Siri – Absolutely with photo credit. That’s all I’m asking for right now. Even though with a lot of the web sites it isn’t about the money. If magazines were to use them, they get paid; they get their advertising I’d want to get paid. But really with the sites I would just like to get photo credit. Just to let people know ‘Hey I took that picture’ and maybe let folks know how they can get a hold of me. Robert – Do you get at the event organizer or the artist or do they get at you? Siri – When I do event photography I actually work with this company Red Dawn Media. They pay me to go to an event and take pictures and then all those pictures can be found at their web site www.Reddawnmedia.com . I’ve shot a couple of events for them with photo credit. So it depends. I mentioned Echo, she’s a publicist, and I’m on her list. So when she has parties in town she knows now that she can call me as a photographer to come down and shoot these parties. It works both ways; while I’m at the party she’s real helpful. She’ll take me around to people she would like to see, cause she puts the pictures up on her site as well. But then another great thing is just knowing people. Like Suge and Yukmouth these artists these people that come, I’m interested in them and I know them so. I also know who to get. Nobody asked me to take Suge’s picture that night. I saw him and I had my camera ‘Can I get your photo’? Ya know? Paul Mooney was there. A lot of people might not recognize him. They might know his name, but he wrote for Richard Pryor, he is part of the Dave Chappell Show; and I was happy to see him and get a picture of him. Alex Thomas, he’s a comedian, I feel like I have grown up with these guys LA, though its big, we have our own community, and I really like seeing people out in it. They respect me as a photographer, it’s all good, and I am really enjoying myself. Robert – So can you explain how this works, I mean how do you make money off the pictures and for your time? Siri – Right now I’m not making a lot of money. I’m truly doing it for the love of the art. I’m building, like those books I mentioned; Unlimited Power, to be successful you have to take risks. I happen to be living off my savings, working here and there. But I believe to be successful I have to take risks. I have to get out there and I have to shoot and build my book. So that’s what I’m trying to do. Robert – Well I can imagine that you don’t just hang out at these events and socialize but do you get a chance to interact with some of the artists? Siri – Yea I do if I want to, I think that’s a good setting, your in a club, people are having a good time and I really don’t need to associate with them outside of that. Robert – Are there any artists in particular that you have gained a friendship with thru your work? Siri – Well I do work with a group out of Pasadena called the Roez Boys, I consider them friends. I met Spider that one time. He is really a nice guy, he loved the pictures. I sent them to him and I hope they call me again when they need some more photo op’s. Yeah I’m getting out there, making relationships and we will see where it goes. Hopefully when we talk again this time next year I will have a lot more to talk about. Robert – What kind of equipment do you take along with you? Siri – When you asked me about if it is glamorous, like no cause ya know what – my back hurts, it’s hard to look kinda cute when you’re going out taking pictures. You know you would like to wear heels but no your feet will hurt so you have to dress comfortable. I got a camera sack on, I got batteries with me, I got my camera; and it’s kinda heavy. So it’s not glamorous but it’s a lot of fun. (laughs) But what was your question? Robert – You carry a lot of equipment with you though right? Siri – Yeah I do because you have to have your camera. And then when you work the fashion shows or events you have to have your flash and extra batteries. It’s a digital camera but I still have to carry cards incase I need more space. Robert – What kind of camera do you use? Siri – Right now I’m working a Sony DSC, which is a digital still camera. Robert – So you don’t do any developing because it’s all digital? Siri – Right it’s digital but I love that to because you can control your own art a little more, maybe that’s what I like about it. I come home and I can download the pictures on my computer and I’m able to retouch and edit the photos. I don’t have to wait for them to come back from the lab. You don’t have to worry about how other people process it. Robert – How long does it take after the shoot to get the product out? Siri – Sometimes I’ll get home from a party at 2:30 in the morning and I can’t sleep, I’m all wound up. I’ll be up until 5 downloading the pictures, editing, looking at them. Aw I like that shot, Aw that looks good, Aw look at Crazy legs, Aw look at Suge he looks hard ya know – maybe up till 5 or 6 in the morning. And then the next day I send those pictures out. Ya know you’re on my service list. I got to get the pictures out. I did some head shots the other day. A guy came by my house. We took some pictures right here. He came in waited for a little while. I edited those photos handed him his disc. He handed me the money and we were good to go. It’s great, it’s fast it’s right now. It’s another fun thing when you’re at the clubs and stuff and you’re taking peoples pictures, they want to see them. And they can because you have a digital camera. I love showing them the pictures. One of my favorite parts about this is having people look at the pictures. Having people look at your work, and comment. I love the reactions I get to my photos, it’s really cool. Robert – Since you are in touch with a lot of the players in the ‘game’, do you look at hip-hop and rap different than the everyday fan? Siri – You know I probably do, but I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any idea. I would have to go back 12 years and take myself out of the picture. I suppose fans think that it is more glamorous than it is. I remember being in India and looking at People Magazine and those people seemed so far away. Your in India, there is no running hot water. The electricity sorta comes and goes. And you see all these people in LA and their big fancy cars, and they’re in the movies and everything just looks so; almost unobtainable. But it’s all right here. You get older and you realize there are more important things in life than driving a nice car. Celebrities are people too; they are like you and me. Robert – Has the attitude of artist and hip-hop culture in general changed since you first got into the industry? Siri – Yes and no, but I’d like to think we are growing up a little bit. I would like to think we’’re growing up that hip-hop is growing and evolving. As you said it is becoming more of a culture and just not a fad. We are definitely part of the culture now. So hip-hop has changed this whole world. Hip-hop is international, I really feel like we are growing. If we could just cut out all this little fighting and violence, I think it would be bigger. I think what hip-hop really needs, is to grow up a little bit. Cause it’s like high school people, like the other night…that’s high school, that’s childish. Nothing against Yukmouth and Spider Loc but that shit is childish. We need to stop the Violence. Robert – Do you see a lot of artists that we don’t see who don’t get the shine they deserve? Siri – The part to me that would deserve shine is the realness of it. It’s being in the studio with an artist. I have a friend Fredwreck, he’s a producer. He is a great producer. He works with Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Cypress Hill, he’s done it all. A great guy. I have known him for years. I love just being in the studio with him when it’s ‘raw’. When he’s playing the guitar and comes across something. You know that’s going to be a song, that’s the ‘pureness’ of it that the public doesn’t see. They see the music videos with the fake cars and fake locations; they don’t get the ‘rawness‘ of the art and the talent. Robert – What kind of music do you listen to? Who is in your player now? Siri – (laughs) You know in LA we have this new radio station that is called Jack 93.1 and I love that station cause they play everything. I’m a little more old school. I love my R&B, I love my divas. I love my Mariah Carey and I’m still playing Amerie’s first album. And I love classic rock, love the classic rock. That’s what we were listening to when I was in India. Madonna, ya know I’m kinda old school with it. I don’t listen to the radio much anymore. I am getting to old for that. (laughs) Robert – Who would be some of your favorite artists? Siri – They would be in genres like hip-hop: I got to put my big Snoop Dogg up there. Tupac, Jay-Z, Biggie, Nas; I love me some Nas. But I love my divas to. Mariah Carey, Amerie, Madonna, Fiona Apple, Mary J Blige; I like my R&B, I like the divas. But I love me some Carl Thomas and Jahiem too. And I love some good old rock and roll. “I love rock and roll”. Robert – Is there anyone you are looking forward to working with that you haven’t worked with yet? Siri –I’m looking to hook up with an artist and either go on tour with them or I’d love to get some live stage performance. That’s what’s missing from my portfolio right now. I’d love to get some live shots. I don’t have any favorites but there are some that I would like to see again on the other side of my camera. I’d love to shoot Paul (Hunter) for that matter; he is kind of a shy guy. I’d love to get some good pictures of him, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem; I’ll work on that. Robert – If you were not blessed to be in your chosen profession of being the Hip-Hop Photographer and you were not in the music or entertainment area at all, what do you see yourself doing instead? Siri – I’d die. (laughs) I mean I can’t imagine, I mean I was a valet parker it was cool, I was young but that was what I was doing on the side and then still going out on auditions and stuff during the day. But if I couldn’t have art in my life everyday I don’t know what I’d do to be honest with you. My sister works for Georgia Pacific. She puts stockings on everyday, and she goes to work, and she’s all in this corporate environment, and I just think that would really kill me. I mean I am an artist at heart and just to be stifled and put in a box and locked up like that, man I couldn’t take it. Robert – What is in the future for Siri Khalsa and MIA DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY? Siri – I know not what the future brings but I’m hopeful and I anticipate great things. Robert – Can we look for a book of photography down the way? Siri – That’s what I’m doing right mow. I’m building my portfolio and I’ll have a great book. I need a little more time but I have amassed quite a good number of pictures. I haven’t done it all by any means but I’m on my way. A book would be great. I‘d like to see my work posterized too. I’d love top get some editorials and shoot fashion. To be a hip-hop fashion photographer, I’d love to get a job with one of these fashion magazines. Cause I look thru and I see their little fashion shoots and I’m like ‘Man I could tear that up’. Everybody has a hip-hop line so I’d like to branch out. I’m interested in magazines and in the editorial and like I said getting some live stage performances; I just want to shoot it all. It’s all about capturing the moment and making it pretty. Robert – What do you have upcoming on your schedule? Siri –I’ve got a few things up my sleeve…You’ll see. Robert – Any thing we have missed or failed to touch on that you would like to address? Siri – I don’t think so. It took a minute to get here but here I am and you ain’t seen nuthin yet. Robert – Any shout outs and / or ending remarks? Siri – I want to give a shout out to ThugLifeArmy.com and all the internet sites that are grinding and doing their thing. We obviously know the internet is our future and we are international with the touch of a button. So I appreciate all the internet sites that have given me luv and Robert at ThugLifeArmy for making this happen. Robert – We wish you all the best and we will be watching for great things from you. And we appreciate all the luv you have showed us. I know there are a lot of other guys ya know they appreciate you. Everybody who knows you appreciates what you are doing and it is about time we give a little back to you. So thanks for taking this time for us and I hope you can get some of the shine you deserve for all the hard work you do. Siri – Thanks man. Robert – Stay in touch and thanks again. Peace.
Snoop Dogg & Siri
Snoop Dogg
Suge Knight
Layzie Bone |