Hip-Hop and Our Future |
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Written by Nickolas Jones aka "Daddy" ID2796 |
Thursday, 29 June 2006 14:49 |
Hip-hop and our future by Nickolas Jones aka “Daddy” With all of the commotion going on around the Bay Area in relation to our recent re-recognition by the mainstream hip-hop and rap industry with the Hyphy Movement ‘06, I couldn’t help but notice the message being delivered to today’s youth. For those who pay attention to lyrics, it breaks down to, if you want to have fun, then thizz and go nuts. I feel rap artists in general need to be a little more thorough when it comes to the message they are getting across. But if you look at the Bay, Bay Area artists more than most should try to be a little more careful when it comes to lyrics and the image they are displaying to the community, because I see a lot of kids being influenced in the wrong ways. A few weeks back, my friend lent me a DVD which had Keak Da Sneak’s “Super Hyphy” music video on it. In the video he is in a setting which is supposed to be a replica of a middle school classroom with a class in session. While it seems like a good thing to have kids in the video, I disagreed with it because this song isn’t for this age group, feel me? It’s great to have the kids in there and all, but if you look at the lyrics, they are intended for an older age group, people who are old enough to know the difference. Plus exposing these kids to these songs can potentially lead to the destruction of our tomorrow. Kids are paying attention to lyrics. One of them states, “And the definition of Hyphy is poppin’ pills and hitting lines.” And even in the intro to the music video, there is a scene where Keak and some other kids are having a spelling bee, and the word HYPHY comes up. Keak then asks the supposed-to-be spelling bee judge to use it in a sentence. The one given was, “Me and my homies popped purple pills and went hyphy at the sideshow.” Ok now majority of us know that poppin’ pills means taking ecstacy, and although some of us know the effects of ecstasy, some younger generations don’t and might see it as something grown folks do to have fun. And in their race to grow up too fast, do the drugs to feel like they older homies. I’ve seen a lot of youngsters doing key shots, thizzin or shit like that thinking that its cool cause Keak said so. It’s a sad but true fact that still remains and will forever: Peoples’ characters in general are somewhat affected by the music they listen to. Another trip is this: Look back at all the songs that came out of the Bay Area. When was the last time you heard positive influential songs come out of the Bay Area? Songs like “Dream” or Naz’s “I Know I Can”? I think the last positive songs from the Bay came out of 2Pac’s mouth; 2Pac (Tupac Shakur) died in 96! Think about it: If all these kids ever hear is hard core thug shit, then they gonna be hard core thugs. People are forgetting how to live life. Positive songs are like wakeup calls to let everyone know that we are all here together and just to keep faith cause everything will be all right. Which makes me think everything isn’t gonna be all right. Look at our older generation, dubbed the X generation. Then there is this generation, which I wouldn’t be surprised if they called it the Hyphy Generation, and Lord only knows what the next generation is gong to be like. You have to look at the whole picture. Things are just getting worse and worse. Now this is not to say that everyone is fuckin’ up, but a lot of people are. Those are the ones that really need to read this and re-evaluate what they are doing and see if it really makes sense. I think that people in general have forgotten how to enjoy life. All of us go through things, but it’s hope for a better tomorrow that keeps us going. And since the Bay Area rappers know that they do influence a lot of today’s younger minds, they should try to promote a more positive message. Shit, bring the old school hip hop back – back when it was just rhyming to the beat, not funking in the street. Think about it, y’all, ‘cause the way things are looking, if hip hop won’t change, neither will the streets. So to all you rap artists out there, do your thing, but keep in mind that with the fame and glory comes responsibility. Help keep our future pointed in the right direction. SAVE HIP HOP AND SAVE OUR FUTURE. Nick Jones writes for YO! Youth Outlook. Email him at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |