Hip-Hop Lacks Respect |
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Written by Keith ID2509 |
Tuesday, 11 April 2006 04:24 |
Well here we are, another day another dollar in the world of Rap and Hip-Hop. Once again the dollar is another slain rap artist. How many people have to die for this game? When will people in the industry realize that this senseless violence isn''t getting anybody anywhere? Is there any respect for life or each other in Hip-Hop? Today's unfortunate event left the Rap World with the loss of Rapper ''Proof'' born Deshaun Hotlon, 32. Proof and another unidentified man were allegedly shot in the head early Tuesday morning at a club in Detroit. Out of respect for those involved and the lack of respect for those that like to speculate and spread rumors, I will leave it at that. I don''t have to go into a long list of names, dates and all of that. Any of us that follow Hip-Hip andRap know what's up. How many people whether they are the artist, the bodyguard, the entourage member or the innocent by-stander have to die in the name of what? Really somebody tell me what it is that human lives are so over looked for. Am I the only one that's confused by this? I can''t be the only one that is angered when we constantly read these type of stories that are becoming way too popular. Yesterday we ran a story about Los Angeles Councilman Dennis Zine that has proposed a $50,000 reward to help solve the murder case of Legendary Rapper B.I.G. That combined with the news this morning got me thinking. I hope that someone out there that has info comes forward. Not only to help with unsolved murder and what it has caused many that loved B.I.G. but, maybe to break the mold. Maybe start a trend that this silence in these cases needs to end. If a Councilman can do it, why not those closest to the people that have lost their lives? Biggie, Tupac (2Pac), Jam Master Jay and countless others artists, or not, that have been killed through out the years in this industry. Why can''t those that surrounded them that claim to care so much every time it benefits them step up? I got an idea, how about some charity work? Get some projects together that can raise some money and put them in a fund that will put up rewards like the one this councilman has proposed. All those that lost their lives were surrounded by many people that are still around today making music that we love. Why not put some energy in the right direction of helping solve these cases and prevent them in the future? Also let the people that like to condone this violence and exploit it know that there are people out there that don''t and want to see it end. I know what I am saying here is not anything new. I am sure many have said it before and it just continues to fall on deaf ears. Maybe the artists and others people in the positions of power that can help don''t think it can happen to them. Well if that's the case, just keep on thinking that. Then we will see how many people come forward to help you and your family - Because it can. For this Hip-Hop head it's getting real old, real fast! It's sad to know this isn''t the last and everyday that passes I lose the love for this music and it's people more and more. For me it's back to digging in the old storage box; time to dust off the Hip-Hop/Rap Music of old days that didn''t include all this garbage. Time to take out a whole bunch of Biggie, Tupac (2Pac) and Run DMC and remember the good music the legends left behind when their lives were taken for no good reason at all. My thoughts and prayers go out to Proof and all those that surrounded him throughout his life and for those he may have touched. Also to all of those that hear this news today and get the memories of those they lost to senseless violence. May it soon come to an end! I would like any fans out there reading this to send me an email with the following information for a future article that may be ran on the site. Send me an email telling me about your favorite artist you miss today that was taken away from us all. Give me your name as you would like to see it, name the artist, a favorite memory and a little piece of how you feel about that artist or the violence in the game today. Email me at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This article is the thoughts and opinions of one staff writer and do not reflect the views of this website. |