Go to HELL Hip Hop and Rap |
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Written by RB ID3647 |
Wednesday, 02 May 2007 12:04 |
When Don Imus first uttered his ‘Nappy Headed’ comment against the Rutgers University Scarlet Knights Basketball Females, the outpouring of comments for and against hip hop and rap has been overwhelming. Seems everyone is jumping on board the issues of profanity, misogyny and violence in hip hop and rap lyrics and hip hop culture. Running a reputable web site and posting news and articles of different views; because as a news source you need to have both sides represented, I receive a lot of email when articles hit a nerve in the hip hop community and a lot of times even beyond the hip hop community. That is the reason why this article is titled ‘Go to HELL Hip Hop and Rap’; I received an email with that title. Recently I posted an article by Glen Ford who is the Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report. Com. The title of his article is ‘Hip Hop Profanity, Misogyny and Violence: Blame the Manufacturer by BAR Executive Editor Glen Ford’. Mr. Ford gave us permission to run the piece because our editors felt it was a good piece after seeing it on DaveyD.com. Apparently this article struck a nerve and I started getting email shortly after the post went up. One email in particular came in and it is by a black woman who seems to disagree with the above article and with the hip hop and rap in general. The point of posting this is to show how volatile the atmosphere in hip hop is now. We all have opinions and it is a worthy conception to show both sides of an issue. Here is her email – Go to HELL Hip-Hop and RAP! “You CANNOT blame CORPORATE AMERICA!! Corporate America does NOT go to these filthy low-life black men (or the correct word is really BOYS) and force them to spew THEIR FILTH!! Are Black people really mind-less human beings who cannot think for themselves? SOME BLACK PEOPLE ALLOW other races to do this! Everyone is responsible for his or her actions. That’s basic BIBLE and BASIC commonsense. Stupid black men decided to be pimps, drug dealers, and every other low-down filth you can think of. They are THEIR OWN SELF-DESTRUCTION!! NO one owes them any respect until they learn how to respect themselves. As a black woman, I’m willing to join and participate in any meaningful organization to stop the filthy black rappers and hip hop singers who sell millions of CDs, videos etc. that contain far WORST DEPLORABLE FILTH than the comments of Don Imus!! Blacks should PROTEST RAP and HIP-HOP music and they should PROTEST DISGUSTING BLACK COMICS such as Woopie Goldberg, Dave Chappell and many others. Blacks should be diligent in their efforts to stop the vile degrading and demeaning of our young women, not to mention the impact of other people’s view of us. Some Black people make me horribly sick when they don’t take the necessary actions or raise a LOUD VOICE to stop these filthy black BOYS from making millions of dollars by WHORING and HO’ing down the black woman. This should start a much needed UNITY of INTELLIGENT BLACK MEN and WOMEN to stand up for their mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, granddaughters etc. Here is an excerpt from Russell Simmons, a multi-millionaire who makes his money pimping off demeaning black women. 1. "Some defenders of rap music and hip-hop culture, such as the pioneering mogul Russell Simmons, deny any connection between Imus and hip-hop. They describe rap lyrics as reflections of the violent, drug-plagued, hopeless environments that many rappers come from. Instead of criticizing rappers, defenders say, critics should improve their reality. Simmons go on to say: "Comparing Don Imus’s language with hip-hop artists’ poetic expression is misguided and inaccurate and feeds into a mindset that can be a catalyst for unwarranted, rampant censorship," Simmons said. The TRUTH IS: Russell Simmons, Robert Johnson (founder of BET), Snoop Dog, JAY Z, 50 Cents, etc. are the MOST VILE, FOUL, and CRASS human beings that breathe!! Since when should black men who don’t want to rise above their environment’ in a dignified manner, believe that: 1. It’s OK to demean your women to make money, so they can enjoy a comfortable life. 2. If they can’t make money by whoring their women, then (according to Russell Simmons) they want other people to help them out of their hopeless’ environment. Many of the troubles in black communities are created by black people themselves. NO BODY owes these filthy black thugs a GOD-DAMM THING!! BLACK WOMEN CERTAINLY DON’T OWE them ANYTHING! Of every racial or ethnic group of people in AMERICA today, NO other men or BOYS of any race will demean and ‘HO’ down their own women (in this vile way) like a filthy, crass black male would. Any person can lift himself or herself up if they really want to. Since most of these rappers are uneducated, why even put their self-destructive lyrics on the air? That’s a very SICK way to draw other people’s attention. I HOPE AND PRAY that those BLACK THUGS will get to read this post.” *Editors note: If you have your own thoughts on what is going on in the hip hop community email them to Administrator (at) ThugLifeArmy.com and you could see them here if your point is clear and to the point. - RB |